The bald one

Debugging JenkinsX

June 22, 2020

  • Use jx version --short to get the version of the binary.
  • You can use jx diagnose to print diagnostic information about your system and kubernetes cluster.
    • To print diagnostic information about the system use:
      jx diagnose version
    • For kubernetes resources like pods, deployments, configmaps etc use:
      jx diagnose pods
  • You can enable debug logs using the --verbose flag after a command.
jx boot --verbose
  • You can specify the start and stop steps for jx boot using JX_BOOT_START_STEP and JX_BOOT_STOP_STEP. For example:
JX_BOOT_START_STEP=install-jenkins-x JX_BOOT_END_STEP=install-jenkins-x jx boot --verbose

This will only run one boot step, and exit

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I am the CTO of Trias Technology Group.
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